Our tutors and staff bring their passion for the performing arts into all aspects of your degree at Urdang.

In the classroom, our teaching staff includes experienced directors and creative artists across a range of performance disciplines, while our administrative staff work to support you through your studies.

We work with current industry directors, musical directors, choreographers and production. Final year students perform for top theatrical agents and casting directors.

Meet the Urdang

Senior Management

Rob Archibald

Head of Department of Performing Arts

Lynsey McDougall

Principal, Artistic Director & Senior Lecturer (Dance). Student Experience Director.

Justine Walmsley

Urdang Operations Manager

Professor Anna Whitelock

Executive Dean, School of Communication and Creativity

Faculty & Lecturers

Naomi Barber

Programme Director and Lecturer in Performing Arts

Maisey Bawden

Head of Freelancers. Lecturer in Performing Arts

Nathan 'Neo' Gordon

Head of Street and Commercial. Lecturer in Commercial and Street Dance

Neil Kagan

Head of Production and Technical Manager. Lecturer in Production

Faculty members

Will Bird

Admissions Manager

Christian Broad

Admissions Officer

Carly Brownbridge

Wardrobe Supervisor

Linda Dixon

Treatment Manager

Nicola Erlank

Events Manager

Louise Little

Department Administrator

Juan Lopez

Senior Porter / Cleaning Supervisor

Louis Perry

Senior Course Officer

Dan Gilbert

Course Officer

Kathryn Peters

Urdang Nutritionist